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 文章 發表於 : 2013-05-21, 10:10 

註冊時間: 2013-05-15, 10:08

文章: 24
Bares Cleavage at Time 100 Gala

PHOTOS: Xtina's weight ups and downsShowcasing the slimmer frame she debuted last month, the "Your Body" singer, 32, wore a daring Victoria Beckham dress with keyhole cutout that emphasized her famous cleavage, Christian Louboutin shoes and louboutin uk Lorraine Schwartz jewels. The louboutin outlet uk former Voice mentor and single mom kept her beauty look fairly simple, with her blonde locks in a sideswept, Veronica Lakestyle waves and classic red lips.For her Time 100 christian louboutin outlet uk honor, Aguilera was praised by another legendary, bigvoiced chanteuse Celine Dion in a short essay in the magazine."The first time I heard Christina Aguilera sing, I was totally blown away. I love the way she sings. Her tone is beautiful, and her voice has got so much power, yet so much sensitivity and technically, I think, she's flawless," Dion, 45, raved. "Without a doubt, she's one of the most talented artists christian louboutin uk the world has ever seen and heard, and I think she's going to continue to amaze us for christian louboutin uk sale many, many years to come."

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