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 文章主題 : Handy Holiday Sweatshirts
 文章 發表於 : 2013-05-31, 09:32 

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Handy Holiday Sweatshirt

Light up the room with a moose sweatshirt or design a heavenly angel sweatshirt. These wearable craft sweatshirts are fun to make, and they preserve your child's hand and footprints. The shirts will make great family presents for grandparents, godparents, or other special family friends!

Red, green, or white sweatshirtsTo make the moose sweatshirt:Use the sponge brush to paint the child's foot with brown paint. Have the child step on the center of the sweatshirt with their toes pointing toward the neckline of the shirt. This is the moose's face.

Once the paint is cleaned off the foot, paint their hands with the brown paint. louboutin outlet uk Place the child's hands on either side of the top of the footprint, with fingers spread open and thumbs facing up; these are the antlers.

When the paint is dry, use louboutin uk the small paintbrush to paint details, such as eyes, eyebrows, and nose, on the moose's face. When the paint is completely dry, have the child use the fabric pen to write a message (Moosey Christmas Grandma) or sign their name on the shirt.

To make christian louboutin uk the angel sweatshirt:Paint the child's foot white, and have him or her step on the front center of the shirt with toes pointing down toward the bottom of the shirt. Once christian louboutin outlet uk the paint is cleaned off the foot, paint their hands with the white paint.

Place the child's hands (with fingers closed) on either side of the angel's body; these are the wings. When the paint is dry, use the small paintbrush to paint details, such as the face cheap christian louboutin shoes uk of the angel and the halo.

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